台北木笛合奏團和指揮劉永泰老師 (2016)

台北木笛合奏團 (2016)

台北木笛合奏團」成立於2003年一月,由劉永泰老師帶領,素質整齊且演奏經驗豐富,為台灣大編制木笛合奏先驅,團員們累積十年以上的吹奏經驗,演奏樂曲多元廣泛。曾擔任多場講座及音樂會示範樂團,亦曾與國台灣本土著名樂團及音樂家合作。 2007年錄製「The Land of Recorder Orchestra」演奏專輯,打開與世界的木笛合奏交流之門,英國著名木笛合奏音樂作曲家Steve Marshall甚至曾為該團創作專屬樂曲。2011與交通大學合作,接受國科會委託,出版「風吹柳絮.李泰祥音樂精選 – 改編給木笛的合奏曲」專輯,為第一張完全由台灣本土人士作曲、編曲、演奏的木笛合奏錄音。2015年「木笛交響樂的世界巡禮」計畫啟動,發行同名音樂會專輯,並於德國展開14天6場的巡迴表演,觀眾反應熱烈,當地媒體報導踴躍。同年,參與國際性亞洲木笛節活動,代表台灣木笛合奏團隊,擔任開場演出表演團體。

Taipei Recorder Orchestra“(TRO) was founded in January 2003. As a pioneer of the recorder orchestras with the full range of recorders in Taiwan, TRO is a well-experienced performance ensemble under the artistic direction by Mr. Liu Yungtai. Members in the orchestra have performed for more than ten years, playing various music styles of work. TRO has also been invited to be the demonstration orchestra in several recorder workshops, and cooperated with many famous musicians and orchestras in concerts in Taiwan. TRO released the album “The Land of Recorder Orchestra” in 2007, which has lead the orchestra to the international performing stage. Steve Marshall, a well-known British recorder ensemble composer, even composed a piece of concerto for TRO. In 2011, TRO took part in the project of the National Science Council, which cooperated with National Chiao Tung University, published the “The Wind Blows the Willow Catkins” album. It is the first recorder ensemble album of music which is completely composed, arranged and performed by Taiwanese. In 2015, TRO released the album of “The Charm of the Recorder Orchestra”, then carried out its concert tour in Germany. TRO had performed 6 concerts within 2 weeks in different places in Germany, and was highly acclaimed by local audiences and press media. In November, 2015, TRO had joined the 3rd Asian Recorder Festival as the representative recorder orchestra of Taiwan and performed in the opening concert.

劉永泰 Liu, Yungtai (2016)

台北木笛合奏團音樂總監及指揮Music director and conductor

指揮 劉永泰
指揮 劉永泰

十七歲由白台生老師啟蒙學習中國笛,演奏及得獎經驗豐富;曾獲鄭濟民全國笛子大賽冠軍、中華民國第四屆民族器樂協奏曲大賽簫獨奏冠軍、台灣區音樂比賽簫獨奏第一名、台灣區音樂比賽男高音獨唱優等。 二十多年來致力於木笛的演奏及教學,多次帶領學生參加國內外各種比賽均獲得良好佳績。目前擔任基隆市、三鶯區教師直笛合奏團及台北木笛合奏團指揮,並於2004年與好友籌組Music Moment Recorder Quartet「樂興之時」木笛四重奏團,精緻的古樂演奏,屢屢獲得高度評價。2015年夏天應德國作曲家Dietrich Schnabel邀請,帶領台北木笛合奏團赴德國巡演,所到之處深受觀眾喜愛及當地媒體熱烈報導。 2007年起投入陶笛演奏及教材編寫,2011年籌組The Genial Breeze Ocarina Quartet「和煦的風」複管陶笛四重奏,為全世界第一個專業的複管陶笛四重奏(multi-chamber ocarina Quartet )樂團;近年來活躍於世界各地的陶笛音樂節,演奏內容以西方古典為主,頗受歡迎。所出版的教材、曲集與演奏專輯亦享譽海內外。

Studied the Chinese flute with his teacher Bai Taisheng at the age of 17, Mr. Liu Yungtai is a well-experienced performer and has been awarded many prizes. He has been the champions of Cheng Jimin Nationwide Flute Competition, the 4th Traditional Music Instrument Concerto Competition of R.O.C., Solo Competition of Chinese Xiao Flute in the Music Competition of Taiwan, and gained the award of excellence in the Tenor Vocal Solo Competition in the Music Competition of Taiwan. For more than twenty years, Mr. Liu has been devoted to the recorder performance and education. His school recorder orchestras have attained very good results in various competitions under his baton. Now he is the conductor of Recorder Orchestra of Teachers in Keelung, Recorder Orchestra of Teachers in Sanxia and Yingge, and Taipei Recorder Orchestra. In 2004, he has founded Music Moment Recorder Quartet with his friends, and their delicate performance in classical music is often well reputed. Having been invited by the famous German composer Dietrich Schnabel, Mr. Liu led Taipei Recorder Orchestra to Germany for a performing tour in the summer of 2015. Their performance was very successful and loved by the audience, and the local press also reported wherever they visited. Mr. Liu has also been engaged in performing, teaching and also material writing of the ocarina since 2007. In 2011, he founded the Genial Breeze Ocarina Quartet, the first professional multi-chamber ocarina quartet which is active in the ocarina festivals all around the world. Their performance is mostly well-noted in western classical music. The published teaching materials, music scores, and CDs are well reputed not only in Taiwan but also overseas.