The Three Tenors: Harry Wong, Eddie Lau, Peter Wong
日期 / Time: 28/10/2017 (Sat)
地點 / Venue: 香港文化中心Hong Kong Cultural Centre (Backstage) 7/F CR2
時間 / Time: 8pm
(節目長約一小時,不設中場休息 / approx. running time: 1hr with no intermission)
名額 / Quota: 100 (不設劃位 / Free Seating)
票價 / Fare: $220 早鳥優惠 / Early bird discount: $180 (on or before 15/9/2017)
購票 / Tickets:
1. 先FB messenger ( 或電郵 ( 留位
2. 收到確認回覆後,兩天內依指示完成付款手續,入數或以PayPal付款(須加上PayPal的附加手續費)至香港直笛學會戶口,並將入數記錄及郵寄門票地址以FB messenger或電郵傳回給我們,我們便會郵寄門票到有關地址。
1. Reserve your seat(s) via FB messenger ( or email (
2. After you have received our confirmation reply, please follow the instructions given, deposit the amount to RIHK bank account or by PayPal (PayPal transaction fees will apply) and send us a copy of the deposit record, together with your mailing address via FB messenger or email within two days so that we can send you the ticket(s) by mail.
查詢/Enquiry: FB messenger (
電話/Telephone: 31191083
The Three Tenors: Harry Wong 王者匡, Eddie Lau 劉思聰, Peter Wong 黃永康